Friday, July 20, 2007

BBQ nite at Dewan Besar Kolej

Just came back from Dewan Besar Kolej. PIBG kindly sponsored a BBQ for all the teachers and staff of Kolej Abdillah.The food was good and I ended up eating more than 'necessary'.Anyway, we had a fantastic time listening to teachers and staff rendering songs (karaoke). Mr. Madzalan,as usual,found it difficult to resist the microfon. It was wonderful listening to him and his duet, Mr. Zaidi,singing 'Angin Malam',followed by 'Isabella' (I must confess that at that moment, Mdm.Norlia,Mdm.Noor Aishah and myself were seriously considering of going up the stage just to walk by the singers like the 'gadis videoclip',hehe!)and this time, his duet was En. Awang Kok. But, the biggest surprise of all was witnessing and listening to Mdm.Rahimah(yes, your Add.Maths teacher!)Mdm. Hjh Aishah (PKHem),Mdm Ani the clerk and Mdm.Melly the librarian singing 'Suci Dlm Debu'...those people could sing very well lah! Even Mr. Salleh Maarof(History teacher)belted out two songs tonight and of course, Mdm.Johara Zen (Pengetua) who sang a sweet evergreen song which hinted that she's not the microfon-shy type...Way to go to all those talented people. I am very sporting at times but unfortunately I do not have any talent in singing & dancing...Anyway,the teachers really let their hair down tonight.

Oh, I forgot to mention about the new name of the Dewan Besar..erm, actually, i forgot the new name. Anyway, the competition for renaming the Dewan Besar is still open..The hostel rooms are given new names too and even classes have new names (Merah/Ruby;Jingga/Amber;Amethyst/Indigo;Putih/Diamond;Biru/Sapphire;
Kuning/Topaz and Hijau/Emerald).The new elected prefects are called 'Exco Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar',there are 69 of them and they are still on a one month probation. I wish them well because I know it is not easy to be a prefect but it is a learning opportunity not to be missed either...

Okay,time to stop 'talking'. Syamsul, my student from 3 Ruby told me that he felt as if I was infront of him talking when he read my entry,hehe..For those who visited the blog and even sent something via the Shoutbox (which I really love to read),"Thank You" from Mdm. Ina and for those who havent given any comment,well,"komenlah",hehe..Good nait eberibodi!

Friday, July 13, 2007

"To be or not to be"

So,have you guys watched the much-awaited-film...Harry Potter? Wish I have a wand, teaching would be very fun and 'innovative', 'creative..'. Personally, the premiere did good to the students coz on the next day, students seemed to be extra cheerful,even early in the morning. Class 5 Diamond tried to coax me to talk about the film, but, knowing how good I am at talking, I resisted the temptation..Once I started talking about it,not sure if I could stop coz obviously the students were really keen to discuss about the film for the whole two periods...hehe...Madam Noor Aishah was even teased as purposely wearing magenta pink baju kurung that day to remind the students of Dolores Umbridge,ha!

During the morning assembly today, the Pengetua urged students to put on a smile whenever they reached the school compound in the morning..Some people are not morning people and the thought of a long day with many tasks to do might not appeal to everybody. However, I am a firm believer in setting and getting the right mood before studying or working. You cannot wait for other people to make you happy and make things 'happening' for you.You have to do it yourself,getting the right mood,making things work.Many youngsters always grumble about school activities or lessons as boring,however, they do not realize that 60% (maybe!) of the success rate of something to be succesful and happening depends on the person herself or himself, like what the grown ups say 'everything is a choice'. So, what is your choice today? To be a happy person?To be an understanding friend? To use your time wisely?
"To be or not to be" --Shakespeare
Pick your choice!

Oh Ya! We had a succesful Hari Permuafakatan last Saturday. I got to meet most of the parents of my class, 3 Ruby. It always amuses me that students are so nervous taking their parents to meet their teachers. Teachers can say nice things about you too,you know!hehe. I must say that on that particular day I could fetch some valuable 'insider information' voluntarily spilled by the parents.However, parents and teachers have the same goals, which are mainly to get our 'children' try their best and do things to improve themselves. The rest, after all the hard work, tawakal!
Ok then, time to go. Have a good weekend everybody!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Transformers and Harry Potter

My nine year old son is really mad about Transformers the movie(I haven't watched it and to him its a big sin..) I did try to get the cinema poster but to no avail. I thought to myself that by getting it, my ranking as the coolest mummy would be upgraded a bit..Anyway, my best friend, Aishah, was dissatisfied with the ending of the story which she said 'anti-climax'..I always feel the same about action movies, the characters fought so hard or underwent the most disastrous situations most of the time,but in the end,the efforts seemed useless or not satisfactory at all..Hmmm, maybe they should elect me to be one of the judges for any film festivals,huh!
My Form Five Diamond told me today that they had read the 1986 Spectra edition and saw my class photo(I was in Form Two-). Then, somebody showed me an old 'Kolej DPAH Abdillah Guide Book' which I remember given to us Collegians back in the 1980s when we registered in Kolej Abdillah on the first day...its golden in colour and only a few coloured pictures in it..I urged him to give the book to the school library because that book can be considered as 'barang sejarah'.of the school.Nowadays, we dont have any special book which makes students feel really special about registering as a collegian.Should we 'revive' it?
This coming July eleventh is a big day for us teachers and students of Kolej Abdillah.The whole one big family is going to watch 'Harry Potter' at Star Cineplex,at 7.30pm.This event is actually a drive by the school's PTA to get donation for the school. The tickets are sold at RM20,RM50 and RM100.Some students and some parents complaint about the price of tickets and having to buy it,but,they are not aware that the money is 'coming back' to them in the form of the school facilities and education-related programmes.People are quick to say negative things rather than the positive ones.Of course there are better ways to get money for the school,but,no matter how good it is,some are more willing to give harsh comments than constructive ones.So, you guys out there, be very supportive of Kolej Abdillah,eh?Hmm..this is serious stuff,ha,BORING LA MADAM INA TODAY,hehe..
Looking forward to this coming weekend.Friday is the best because it promises Saturday n Sunday!Plan to have a girls night out on Saturday nite,time to unwind!The activities?Window shopping-makan-gossipping..sounds really fun,eh?
Alright then,time to fly and land my head on the pillow.Really glad I can post something in the blog this week. Thinking of making the blog looks more 'interesting',any ideas?Well then,tarrraaa...